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La Autoridad de Vivienda del Condado de Monterey (HACM)

Oportunidades de empleo

Welcome to the Human Resources Department of the Housing Authority of the County of Monterey

At the Housing Authority of the County of Monterey, our HR mission is to create a workplace that celebrates diversity, fosters inclusion, and promotes professional growth. We are dedicated to attracting and retaining a talented workforce, providing a supportive environment where employees can thrive. Through strategic HR practices, we aim to empower individuals, uphold a culture of respect, and contribute to the success of our collective mission.

Thank you for considering the Housing Authority of the County of Monterey as your professional home. We look forward to the opportunity to collaborate and build a successful future together.


Explore the following links below to learn more.


Discover exciting career opportunities currently available within our organization.


Take the first step toward joining our dynamic team.


Gain insight into each role through detailed job descriptions. 


Curious about what each role at HACM brings to the table in terms of compensation?


Explore our employee benefits.


Understand the principles guiding our internal and external relationships.


For questions, guidance, or support, our Human Resources team is here to assist you.

Proceso de solicitud

Somos un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades y damos la bienvenida a solicitudes de todos los solicitantes calificados. Nuestra política es cumplir con todas las leyes estatales y federales aplicables que prohíben la discriminación en el empleo por motivos de raza, edad, color, sexo, orientación sexual, identificación de género, religión, discapacidad, condición médica, origen nacional u otra clasificación protegida.


Para encontrar puestos vacantes actuales, haga clic en el enlace de puestos abiertos y complete su solicitud en línea hoy. Se requiere una solicitud completa y firmada para su consideración para todos los puestos.


Nota: HACM no puede aceptar solicitudes para puestos que no estén actualmente abiertos.


Puede descargar una solicitud haciendo clic en el botón Solicitud de empleo que se encuentra arriba o recoger una en nuestra oficina principal, 123 Rico Street, Salinas, CA 93907.


Por favor envíe su solicitud completa y firmada por:


  1. Envíe un correo electrónico a nuestro departamento de Recursos Humanos

  2. Envíe un fax al 831-753-2193

  3. Envíe por correo o deje a la persona a: Autoridad de Vivienda del Condado de Monterey – ATENCIÓN: Recursos Humanos

  4. Calle Rico 123

  5. Salinas, CA 93907

Open Position

Beneficios para empleados

Vacaciones pagadas

HACM observa los siguientes días festivos:


  • Día de Año Nuevo

  • día de Martin Luther King

  • Día del Presidente

  • Cumpleaños de César Chávez

  • Día Conmemorativo

  • 16 de junio

  • Día de la Independencia

  • Día laboral

  • Día de los Pueblos Indígenas

  • Día de los Veteranos

  • Día antes de Acción de Gracias

  • día de Gracias

  • Día después de Acción de Gracias

  • Día antes de Nochebuena

  • Nochebuena

  • día de Navidad

  • Día después del día de Navidad

Employment Application Processt

0-2 años de servicio                 3,69 horas por período de pago

3 a 9 años de servicio               4,61 horas por período de pago

10-20 años de servicio             6,15 horas por periodo de pago

Después de 20 años de servicio       7,69 horas por período de pago

Los días de vacaciones para los empleados elegibles se acumulan desde el primer día de empleo y están disponibles para su uso después de seis meses.

Baja por enfermedad

HACM ofrece 3,08 horas de licencia por enfermedad por período de pago a los empleados elegibles. Los empleados comienzan a acumular licencia por enfermedad desde su primer día de empleo.

HACM ofrece dos programas de jubilación a empleados elegibles. La participación en estos planes es voluntaria. Los empleados elegibles pueden comenzar a contribuir el primero del mes siguiente a los seis meses de empleo.


  • Pensi de compra de dineroen plan

         Los empleados elegibles pueden comenzar a contribuir al plan después de seis meses de servicio. Después de un año de servicio, los empleados inscritos elegibles que contribuyan con un mínimo de         del 1,1% (máximo 13%) de su salario al Plan Mass Mutual recibirán una generosa contribución del empleador.


  • ​Plan de jubilación 457(b)

         HACM ofrece un plan de compensación diferida 457(b) al que los empleados elegibles pueden contribuir antes de impuestos. No hay ninguna contribución del empleador a este plan.


Beneficios de atención médica

HACM paga el 100% de la prima por cobertura médica, dental y oftalmológica, así como seguro de vida para los empleados elegibles. HACM también paga una parte de las primas de los dependientes. HACM ofrece una Cuenta de Reembolso Médico y un Plan de Asistencia para el Cuidado de Dependientes a los empleados elegibles. También se encuentran disponibles otros beneficios opcionales pagados por los empleados.

Military family
Job Description

Pay Ranges by Position

At the Housing Authority of the County of Monterey (HACM), we believe in recognizing and rewarding the exceptional talent that fuels our success. As part of our commitment to transparency and employee well-being, we are delighted to share our competitive pay ranges for each position within our agency.

Why Choose HACM?

  • Competitive Compensation: We offer industry-competitive pay ranges that reflect the value we place on the skills, dedication, and expertise of our diverse workforce.


  • Transparent Structure: Our commitment to transparency extends to our pay structure. We believe in providing our employees with a clear understanding of how their compensation aligns with their roles and responsibilities.


  • Inclusive Approach: At HACM, we recognize the importance of fostering an inclusive workplace. Our pay ranges are designed to reflect our dedication to fair and equitable compensation for all employees.


  • Career Growth: As you progress in your career with us, our pay ranges are designed to accommodate your professional development, ensuring that your contributions are recognized and rewarded appropriately.


Click here to view Pay Ranges:

Exempt Salary Ranges

Non-Exempt Salary Ranges

Pay Rages by Position

Información del contacto

James Matnard -Cabera,  Director de Recursos Humanos

Paid Vacation:
  • 0-2 Years of Service: 3.69 hours per pay period

  • 3-9 Years of Service: 4.61 hours per pay period

  • 10-20 Years of Service: 6.15 hours per pay period

  • After 20 Years of Service: 7.69 hours per pay period


Vacation days accrue from the first day of employment and are available for use at the completion of the new hire probationary period.

Paid Sick Leave:
  • 3.08 hours per pay period

Accrual begins from the first day of employment.

Available Retirement Plans:

401(a) Retirement Plan:

  • Eligible employees may start contributing after six months of service.

  • After one year of service, those contributing a minimum of 1.1% (13% maximum) to the Empower Retirement Plan are eligible to receive an employer contribution.


457(b) Retirement Plan:

  • Eligible employees may contribute on a pre-tax basis. There is no employer contribution to this plan.

In addition to our standard benefits, we are pleased to offer additional options to further support your financial goals.


AFLAC Plans:

As part of our commitment to your well-being, we provide access to AFLAC plans, giving you the opportunity to customize your coverage and address specific financial needs beyond our standard offerings.


Flexible Spending Account (FSA):

In line with our commitment to flexibility and choice, employees have the option to contribute to a Flexible Spending Account (FSA). An FSA allows you to set aside pre-tax dollars for qualified medical or dependent care expenses, providing you with valuable tax savings.


We believe in empowering our employees with choices that align with their individual needs. For more information on AFLAC plans or details on how to contribute to a Flexible Spending Account, please contact our HR team. We are here to assist you in maximizing the benefits that best suit your unique circumstances.

Paid Holidays:
  • New Year’s Day

  • Martin Luther King Day

  • President’s Day

  • Cesar Chavez Birthday

  • Memorial Day

  • Juneteenth

  • Independence Day

  • Labor Day

  • Indigenous Peoples Day

  • Veterans Day

  • Day before Thanksgiving

  • Thanksgiving Day

  • Day after Thanksgiving

  • Day before Christmas Eve

  • Christmas Eve

  • Christmas Day

  • Day after Christmas Day


We are proud to offer these benefits to enhance the overall well-being and job satisfaction of our dedicated employees at HACM.

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

We prioritize transparency and collaboration in our work environment. As part of our commitment to fostering positive relationships, we have a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with SEIU Local 521.


This MOU outlines the shared values, principles, and commitments between the Housing Authority of the County of Monterey and SEIU Local 521, reflecting our dedication to a harmonious and productive working relationship.


We believe in the power of collaboration, and this document represents our mutual understanding to work together effectively for the benefit of our employees and the communities we serve.


For any questions or clarifications regarding the MOU, please feel free to reach out to our HR team. We value open communication and are here to provide the information you need.


Thank you for being a part of our collaborative and inclusive workplace at the Housing Authority of the County of Monterey.

To review the details of our MOU with SEIU Local 521, please click here.

HR Contact Information

Welcome to the Human Resources Department at the Housing Authority of the County of Monterey. We are here to assist you with any inquiries, guidance, or support you may need. Whether you are a current employee seeking assistance or a prospective candidate with questions, our dedicated HR team is ready to help.


How to Reach Us:

If you have any HR-related queries, please feel free to reach out to our team using the following contact options:

  • Email:

  • Phone: (831) 775-5000

  • In-Person: Visit our main office at 123 Rico Street, Salinas, CA 93907


Office Hours:

Our HR team is available during regular office hours to address your needs. Please be advised that the agency is closed every other Friday. Should you need assistance outside of these hours, please leave a voicemail or send an email, and we will get back to you promptly.


Your HR Contacts:
  • Daniel Reyna, Human Resources Administrative Assistant

  • James Maynard-Cabrera, Director of Human Resources


Feel free to contact us for matters related to employment, benefits, career opportunities, or any general inquiries. We are here to ensure a positive and supportive experience for all our employees and potential team members.

Thank you for considering the Housing Authority of the County of Monterey as your professional home. We look forward to assisting you on your journey with us!

Employee Benefit Overview
HR Contact Information
Housing HDC Development Logo

Calle Rico 123

Salinas, CA 93907

Después del horario de mantenimiento

Teléfono: 831-775-5000

TDD:      831-754-2951

Fax:       831-424-9153

Maintenance After Hours
Horas de operación

Lun - Jueves: 7:30 am - 5:30 pm

Cada dos viernes: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Medios de comunicación social





House vector
Somos un proveedor de igualdad de oportunidades de vivienda.
Man on wheelchair vector

Proporcionamos vivienda sin discriminación por motivos de raza, color, religión, sexo, estado físico o mental.discapacidad, situación familiar, origen nacional u otra clase protegida.

Para presentar una quejade discriminación, escriba al Director de HUD, Oficina de Derechos Civiles, 451 7th Street S.W., Washington, D.C. 20410 o llame a Servicio al Cliente al (202) 708-1112 (voz) o

(202) 708-1455 (TTY). HUD es un proveedor y empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades. De conformidad con la ley federal y el Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano de los Estados Unidos

(HUD), esta institución tiene prohibido discriminar por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional, edad, discapacidad, sexo o estado familiar.

Para presentar unadenuncia por discriminacion, escriba al Director de HUD, Oficina de Derechos Civiles, 451 7th Street S.W., Washington, DC 20410, o llame al (202) 708-1112 (voz) o al (202) 708-1455 (TDD).


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